Sat. July 16 Trail Project at Rocky Ledges Trail in Essex

The Third Saturday of the Month Trail Project will be this Saturday, July 16th at the Rocky Ledges Trail in Essex starting at 8:30 am. and finishing by noon (if you have to leave early, that is okay).  We will put up trail markers, cut back branches, and clear fallen limbs from the trail.  In essence, we are finishing up on an earlier project of making sure the trail is marked in both directions so hikers know they are on the trail.
Useful tools are a hammer, a nail bag, and loppers.  Please bring water as it looks to be a hot morning.
We will meet at the trailhead which is in Essex, on Leaning Road.  Directions from the hamlet of Essex are below.
We look forward to seeing you there.  It should be fun.
♫♫ Happy Trails ♫♫
Chris Maron, Executive Director
Directions from the hamlet of Essex:  Go west on Route 22 about 2.5 miles to where the road takes a sharp left turn.  Continue straight on Jersey Street (Route 12), cross the Boquet River and take an immediate left on Leaning Road.  The Trailhead is about 100 feet down the road on the right side.  It is marked with a little trail marker.